Monday, July 15, 2024

Staying Fit After 50

 You know, a lot of folks get exercise all wrong as they age. It's like they just stop altogether, thinking it's the right thing to do. But that's one of the worst things you can do to your body, especially when you need exercise more than ever. Our bodies tend to break down muscle and connective tissue as we get older, and if you just sit around, you're setting yourself up for immobility.


But hey, if you're already over 50, don't sweat it. You can still take control and avoid those nasty outcomes. So, let's chat about what exercises you should be including in your routine to keep things running smoothly.

First up, we've got aerobics. Or as some like to call it, cardio. This type of exercise is crucial at any age, but it's even more important as we get older. Aerobics help keep your heart, lungs, and brain in good shape. Now, there are tons of aerobic exercises to choose from, but it's wise to start with low-impact ones to protect your joints. Think of it as easing into a warm bath rather than jumping into a cold pool.

aeorobic exercise

Some great aerobic exercises to consider are swimming, cycling (and yes, stationary bikes count too), walking, and jogging. Each of these will get your heart pumping without putting too much strain on your joints.

Next, let's talk about strength training. I know, when you hear that term, you might picture bodybuilders and think, "That's not for me." But strength training is about so much more than bulking up. Your body needs resistance to stay functional. Regular weight training can significantly reduce your risk of fractures, pain, and immobility due to muscle atrophy.

You don't have to start lifting heavy weights right away. Begin with basic strength training using your body weight. As you get stronger and more comfortable, you can add some weights. Some essential movements to include are squats, bench presses, push-ups, pull-ups (or assisted pull-ups), lat pull-downs, shoulder presses, deadlifts, triceps presses, and dumbbell curls. If you have joint issues, you can always substitute exercises. For instance, if squats are tough on your knees, leg extensions can be a good alternative.

Now, flexibility training is often the most underrated part of any exercise routine. It's like the insurance policy for your body. Sure, you might not see immediate benefits, but flexibility training can prevent immobility and injury in the long run.


For folks over 50, flexibility training offers some fantastic perks. It can reduce pain after your workouts because it helps your muscles elongate back to their normal state without stressing your connective tissue. It also helps with balance, which often deteriorates with age due to muscle loss and stiff joints. Flexibility training can help you stay steady on your feet.

To get the most out of flexibility training, include dynamic stretches before your workouts to loosen up your muscles and connective tissue, reducing the risk of injury. Then, after your workout, do some static stretches to relieve muscle tension. This will help stretch the muscle fibers and ease any post-workout pain.

In the end, a well-rounded exercise plan should include elements of aerobics, strength training, and flexibility exercises. This combination will help keep your joints, heart, and muscles in top shape, ensuring you stay mobile and healthy for the long haul.

good health

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Eating for Health

This post is about the wonderful world of herbs and how they can supercharge your health. You know, those little green leaves we often overlook? They’re packed with amazing benefits that can help us feel our best. So, let’s chat about some herbs you can easily incorporate into your diet to give your health a natural boost.

First up, let’s talk about basil. This fragrant herb isn’t just for making your spaghetti sauce taste divine. Basil is loaded with antioxidants, which help fight off those pesky free radicals that can cause damage to your cells. It’s also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce swelling and pain in the body. Plus, basil has been shown to have antibacterial properties, making it a great addition to your diet to keep your immune system strong. Toss some fresh basil leaves into your salads, sandwiches, or even blend it into your smoothies for a refreshing twist.

Next on the list is rosemary. This woody herb is not only fantastic for seasoning your meats and potatoes but also great for your brain. Rosemary contains compounds that have been linked to improved memory and concentration. It’s like giving your brain a little workout every time you consume it. There’s also evidence suggesting that rosemary can help improve digestion and reduce inflammation. Try infusing some rosemary into your olive oil or sprinkling it over your roasted veggies.

Let’s not forget mint. This cool and refreshing herb does more than just freshen your breath. Mint is excellent for digestion and can help soothe an upset stomach. It’s also known for its anti-nausea properties, making it a great natural remedy for those times when you’re feeling a bit queasy. Additionally, mint can help relieve headaches and even reduce the severity of cold symptoms. Add mint to your water, tea, or yogurt for a refreshing and health-boosting treat.

Oregano is another powerhouse herb that deserves a spot in your diet. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals like vitamin K, iron, and manganese. But what makes oregano truly special are its antibacterial and antiviral properties. This herb can help fight off infections and support your immune system. Plus, it’s rich in antioxidants, which are great for protecting your cells from damage. Sprinkle some dried oregano on your pizza, pasta, or any savory dish to reap its benefits.

Spice things up with thyme. This little herb is a nutritional powerhouse. It’s high in vitamins A and C, which are essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. Thyme also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, making it great for preventing and treating infections. Plus, it’s known for its ability to improve respiratory health, which is particularly helpful during cold and flu season. Use thyme in your soups, stews, and marinades to give your dishes a flavorful and healthful boost.

Sage is another herb worth mentioning. It’s not just for Thanksgiving stuffing! Sage has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It’s known for its ability to improve brain function and memory, and it’s also great for your oral health. Sage has antimicrobial properties that can help keep your mouth healthy and reduce inflammation. It’s also been shown to help with digestion and even menopause symptoms. Add sage to your soups, sauces, or roasted meats to enjoy its benefits.

Next is parsley. This commonly used garnish is actually a nutritional powerhouse. Parsley is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and it’s also a great source of iron and folate. It has anti-inflammatory properties and can help improve your heart health by reducing high blood pressure. Plus, parsley is known for its diuretic properties, which can help your body eliminate excess water and reduce bloating. Add parsley to your salads, soups, and smoothies for a fresh and health-boosting kick.

Cilantro, or coriander, is another herb that can do wonders for your health. It’s known for its detoxifying properties, helping your body get rid of heavy metals. Cilantro is also great for your digestive health and can help reduce bloating and gas. It’s packed with antioxidants and has been shown to help lower blood sugar levels. Use cilantro in your salsa, guacamole, or sprinkle it over your tacos for a burst of flavor and health benefits.

Dill is often associated with pickles, but this herb has a lot more to offer. It’s rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. Dill is also great for your digestive health and can help soothe an upset stomach. Plus, it’s known for its ability to promote bone health due to its high calcium content. Add dill to your salads, soups, and fish dishes for a fresh and healthful twist.

Then there is chives. These mild, onion-flavored herbs are rich in vitamins A and K, which are great for your vision and bone health. Chives also contain antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage. They have anti-inflammatory properties and can help improve your digestion. Use chives in your scrambled eggs, soups, and dips for a subtle but health-boosting flavor.

Now, let’s not forget about turmeric. This vibrant yellow spice is well-known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, thanks to its active compound, curcumin. Turmeric has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including arthritis, digestive issues, and even skin conditions. It’s also been shown to improve brain function and lower the risk of heart disease. To get the most out of turmeric, try adding it to your curries, soups, and even smoothies. Just a pinch of this golden spice can go a long way in boosting your overall health.

Incorporating these herbs into your diet is a simple and delicious way to boost your health. So next time you’re in the kitchen, don’t forget to add a sprinkle of these magical green leaves to your dishes. Think about the things your body may need to make improvements in your health and try to use those herbs more. Your body will thank you!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Spices for Brain and Body Health

 I've been hearing a lot about spices lately. They're not just for jazzing up our food; they can actually do wonders for our mind and body. And in our last post, we talked about memory saving here, so this post just goes to the next level.

Take turmeric, for instance. This golden spice is like a little miracle worker. It contains curcumin, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is linked to various chronic conditions, including arthritis and even some mental health issues like depression. You don't need to consume a lot to see the benefits—just a bit here and there in your meals can make a difference. I love adding it to my morning smoothie for that earthy flavor and beautiful golden color. (

Another spice that’s fantastic for health is cinnamon. It's great for balancing blood sugar levels, which helps prevent those energy crashes that can affect our mood and overall well-being. Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants, which help fight off free radicals and protect our cells. I like adding it to my coffee or oatmeal in the mornings. It feels like a comforting hug in spice form. (

Cloves are another powerhouse spice. They have potent antioxidant properties and can help with digestion. Cloves also have antibacterial properties, which can be handy when you're feeling under the weather. I sometimes chew on a clove when I feel a sore throat coming on. It's strong, but it does the trick.

Ginger is a staple in my kitchen. It's amazing for digestion and can help with nausea. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties and can boost brain function. I often make ginger tea when I need a pick-me-up; it's so soothing and helps settle my stomach if it’s feeling off.(

Black pepper is not just a table staple; it can enhance the absorption of nutrients, especially turmeric. This spice contains piperine, which improves brain function and could even help with depression. Adding a pinch of black pepper to turmeric really boosts its effectiveness, making them a dynamic duo for health.(

Garlic is technically more of an herb, but it’s too good not to mention. It's fantastic for heart health, helping to lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular function. Garlic has been used as a natural remedy for ages, and it just makes everything taste better. I love making garlic-infused olive oil for drizzling on salads or dipping bread.(

Rosemary is another favorite. It has been linked to improved memory and concentration. Even just the smell of rosemary can be invigorating, waking up the senses and refreshing the mind. I like adding it to roasted potatoes or chicken dishes for its aromatic flavor. (

We’re so lucky to have such a variety of spices that not only make our food taste amazing but also support our health in many ways. It’s like adding a little bit of magic to our meals. These spices are easy to incorporate into our daily lives—just a sprinkle here, a dash there, and we’re on our way to better health. It’s a simple yet powerful way to take care of ourselves.

Spices like turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, black pepper, garlic, and rosemary offer a range of benefits for both brain and body health. They help reduce inflammation, balance blood sugar, aid digestion, and boost brain function. Incorporating these spices into your diet can help you feel better and protect your health. Here’s to spicing up our lives in the healthiest way possible!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

What helps slow memory loss?

 So, memory loss is something a lot of us worry about, especially as we get older. The usual advice is to play brain games, eat right, and exercise, but let's dig a bit deeper and find some less conventional ways to give our brains a boost.

Telling Stories

First up, let's talk about the power of storytelling. Yep, telling stories. When you share stories, whether it’s about your day or reminiscing about the past, you’re engaging multiple parts of your brain. It’s not just about recalling facts; it’s about structuring them, adding emotion, and creating connections. This kind of activity can help strengthen memory pathways in a fun and meaningful way.

Learning a new Language

Another interesting approach is learning a new language. Now, I know this might sound daunting, but it’s incredibly effective. When you learn a new language, you’re challenging your brain to think in different ways, recognize new patterns, and remember vocabulary and grammar rules. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to keep your brain young and vibrant.


Have you ever tried dancing? I don’t mean just for exercise, but as a way to improve memory. Learning and remembering dance routines requires coordination, rhythm, and memory. It's like a full-body workout for your brain. So, whether it's ballroom, salsa, or even line dancing, getting into the groove can help sharpen your mind.


Let’s not forget the impact of social connections. Engaging in meaningful conversations with friends and family can significantly boost your cognitive functions. When you interact socially, you’re constantly processing new information, recalling past events, and even thinking on your feet. It’s like a workout for your brain that also warms your heart.


Here’s a surprising one: aromatherapy. Certain scents like rosemary and peppermint have been shown to enhance memory and concentration. A little bit of essential oil in a diffuser or even just sniffing a sprig of rosemary can give your brain a nice little kick.


Meditation is another gem. It’s often touted for its stress-reducing benefits, but it also improves memory by increasing gray matter in the brain. Mindfulness meditation, in particular, helps improve focus and attention, which are crucial for memory retention. Just a few minutes a day can make a big difference.


Finally, don’t underestimate the power of creativity. Engaging in creative activities like painting, writing, or even gardening can help improve your memory. These activities require you to plan, remember details, and make connections, all of which are great for brain health.

So, next time you’re thinking about how to keep your memory sharp, consider diving into storytelling, learning a new language, dancing, socializing, enjoying some aromatherapy, meditating, or getting creative. These unique approaches can help keep your brain healthy and your memory strong in ways that are both enjoyable and effective. Give them a try and see what works best for you!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Tours for Senior Travelers?

 Hey there! I hope you're doing well. I wanted to chat with you about something that's been on my mind lately—going on tours alone. I know, it sounds a bit daunting at first, but hear me out. I recently took the plunge and went on a solo tour, and it was one of the most liberating experiences I've ever had. 

Going on a senior tour

I get it, the idea of traveling can be intimidating, especially when we're used to knowing where everything we need is. But there's something incredibly empowering about exploring new places on your own terms. You get to decide where to go, what to see, and how long to stay. There's no need to compromise or rush through something you're enjoying. 

Exploring together

One of the first things I did was choose a tour that was well-organized and offered a small group experience. This way, I wasn't completely alone—I had the comfort of a group but still the freedom to do my own thing. Plus, it's a great way to meet new people. I ended up making a few friends who were also traveling with my group, and we had some wonderful adventures together.

Freedom to do your own thing

Safety was a big concern for me too, but I found that most tour companies prioritize this. They offer detailed itineraries, local guides who know the area well, and plenty of support if you need it. I also made sure to do a bit of research on the places we were visiting. Knowing a little about the culture and local customs made me feel more confident and prepared.

Safetyl while traveling

Packing light was another game changer. I used to overpack, but for this trip, I stuck to the essentials. It made getting around so much easier, and I didn't have to worry about lugging heavy bags. I also packed a small first-aid kit, some snacks, and a good book for those quiet moments in between activities.

Here is a printable list

One of the best parts of traveling with a small tour group was having the time to truly connect with the places I visited. I didn't feel rushed, and I could linger at a beautiful spot or a quaint café as long as I wanted. I discovered that I actually enjoyed their company, and it gave me a chance to relax and socialize.

Relaxing and Socializing

I also found that being open and approachable made a big difference. People are generally very friendly and curious when they see people traveling with tours. I had some lovely conversations with locals and fellow travelers that I might have missed if I had not been with someone else. 

Interacting with locals
Of course, there were moments when I felt a bit lonely, but those were few and far between. I learned to embrace the adventure and see it as an opportunity to learn more about myself. Plus, with today's technology, it's easy to stay connected with loved ones back home. A quick video call or message can make a world of difference if you're feeling a bit homesick.

Keeping in touch with home

If you're considering a group tour, I'd say go for it. Start with a short trip if you're unsure, just to get a feel for it. Choose a destination that excites you and a tour company that has good reviews. Trust me, the sense of accomplishment and the experiences you'll gain are worth it. 

So, what do you think? Ready to embark on your own tour adventure? I'd love to hear your thoughts and help with any questions you might have. After all, we're never too old to try something new and exciting!

Have Fun!!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Solo Travel Can be Fun and Exciting

Traveling solo as an older woman

I’ve been dreaming about packing my bags and heading off to see the world, and I bet you have too. There's something so invigorating about the idea of discovering new places, meeting new people, and soaking in all the rich cultures out there. But, of course, we’ve got to be smart about it, especially when it comes to safety. So, let’s chat about how we can travel the world safely and have a fantastic time doing it.

We have explored places to retire abroad before and you can review those posts here here and herehere.

Research before you goFirst things first, always do your homework before you go. Researching your destination is key. Check out the local customs, the safest neighborhoods to stay in, and any areas you might want to avoid. It’s amazing how much information you can find online, and it really helps to read reviews from other travelers, especially women who have traveled solo. They often have the best tips.

Now, packing can be quite the art form, don’t you think? It’s all about balancing what you need and what you can leave
behind. One thing I always recommend is packing light but smart. Take comfortable shoes for all that walking you’ll be doing and clothes that you can layer. And, of course, don’t forget your medications. Keeping them in your carry-on is a must in case your checked luggage decides to take a different vacation.

When it comes to accommodations, it’s worth spending a bit more for a place that’s safe and well-reviewed. Look for hotels or hostels that have good security measures in place. Some ladies I know swear by staying in women-only hostels or booking through platforms that cater specifically to solo female travelers. It gives you that extra peace of mind.

Transportation abroad
Getting around in a new city can be daunting, but it’s also part of the adventure! Public transportation is usually pretty safe, but it’s always good to know the routes and schedules beforehand. Taxis and ride-shares are great too, just make sure you’re using reputable companies. And, oh, one trick I’ve learned is to act confident, even if you’re feeling a bit unsure. Walk with purpose and avoid looking lost. If you need directions, duck into a shop or café to ask.

Another tip is to blend in as much as possible. Flashy jewelry and expensive gadgets can attract unwanted attention, so it’s better to keep things simple. A crossbody bag that zips up is perfect for keeping your essentials safe and close to you. And speaking of essentials, always have a copy of your passport and important documents. It’s a small thing that can save you a lot of hassle.

One of the best parts about traveling is meeting new people,
Meeting new people
but it’s also important to trust your gut. If someone doesn’t feel right, it’s okay to be polite but firm. And always let someone know your plans for the day. It can be a friend back home or someone you’ve met on your travels. A quick text about where you’re headed and when you’ll check in next can be a lifesaver.

Managing Health while traveling
Lastly, let’s talk about health. We’re not as spry as we used to be, so taking care of ourselves is crucial. Staying hydrated, taking breaks, and eating well can make all the difference. And if you’re planning on doing something physically demanding, like hiking, make sure you’re up for it. There’s no shame in pacing yourself.
Taking off

So, are you ready to dust off that suitcase and start planning your next adventure? Traveling as an older woman can be incredibly rewarding. We’ve got the wisdom and experience to navigate the world in a way we couldn’t when we were younger. With a bit of planning and a dash of common sense, we can see the world safely and make wonderful memories. Here’s to new adventures, my friend! Happy travels!

There are a multitude of resources for you to check out before making your decision to travel. Here are just a few for you to start with:

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Intergenerational Living: The Benefits of Living Together

Intergenerational living isn't just a buzzword; it's a vibrant lifestyle choice that's gaining traction across the country. Picture this: seniors and millennials sharing a living space, blending experiences and perspectives under one roof. It's like a sitcom setup, but the benefits are real and profound. As more people from different generations choose to live together, they're discovering the magic of shared experiences and the mutual benefits that come from such arrangements.
Intergenerational Living

Let’s look at why this mix of generations under one roof is turning out to be a fantastic idea. Imagine a typical day in a household where 70-year-old Susan shares her coffee morning with 25-year-old Jake. While they might be from different generations, the exchange of stories and insights creates a unique bond that enriches both their lives. This scenario is becoming more common as people realize that intergenerational living can solve multiple issues like loneliness, high living costs, and the need for mutual support.
Intergenerational Living

One of the most compelling benefits of intergenerational living is the way it bridges the gap between generations. In our digital age, seniors often feel left behind by technology that seems to change with the blink of an eye. Enter their millennial housemates, who can offer a quick tutorial on the latest apps or help set up new devices. In return, seniors provide a wealth of knowledge from their own life experiences, offering advice that spans decades and helping their younger roommates navigate life's ups and downs. This exchange fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation between the two, breaking down common stereotypes and misconceptions.

Moreover, the arrangement can be a financial boon for both seniors and millennials. With the cost of living constantly on the rise, sharing a home can significantly cut down expenses. Millennials grappling with student loans and the competitive job market find financial relief, while seniors on fixed incomes can share the burden of household expenses. It’s a practical solution that also provides companionship, turning shared meals and movie nights into opportunities for creating lasting memories.
Intergenerational Living

Health benefits are another significant aspect of intergenerational living. For seniors, having younger people around can lead to increased physical activity and social engagement, which are crucial for maintaining health. Regular interaction helps keep their minds sharp, potentially staving off the cognitive decline associated with aging. Millennials, on the other hand, often experience the emotional support and stability that come from having another person around who is invested in their well-being. It's a nurturing environment where both can thrive.

Intergenerational Living
But it's not just about practical benefits. Living with someone from a different generation can also be a lot of fun. Think about the fusion of music, food, and culture! Millennials introduce seniors to the latest trends and pop culture, while seniors can share classics and timeless activities. It’s a cultural exchange that enriches their lives and broadens their horizons.

Intergenerational Living
For those considering this lifestyle, it’s important to approach it with an open mind and clear communication. Setting boundaries and having regular check-ins can help ensure that everyone’s needs are met and that the living arrangement remains beneficial for all involved. Remember, flexibility and respect are the keys to making it work.

Intergenerational living is not just a temporary trend but a forward-thinking approach to modern challenges. It promotes a sustainable and supportive way of living that benefits both seniors and millennials. By choosing to live together, they not only enhance their own lives but also contribute to a more interconnected and empathetic community.

So, if you're a senior or a millennial pondering over your next move, why not consider intergenerational living? It's more than just sharing space; it's about building relationships that transcend age and time. It could be one of the most rewarding and enriching decisions you make—opening doors to new friendships, learning opportunities, and the joy of discovering the unexpected day by day.
Intergenerational Living

In embracing this living arrangement, both seniors and millennials are finding that when generations converge, life becomes a little more interesting, a lot more supportive, and definitely more fun. Who knows? The next chapter of your life could be written with someone a few decades your junior or senior, proving that when it comes to living well, age really is just a number.

If this interests you, here are some sites where you can get more information:

Staying Fit After 50

 You know, a lot of folks get exercise all wrong as they age. It's like they just stop altogether, thinking it's the right thing to ...