Showing posts with label ageism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ageism. Show all posts

Sunday, December 10, 2023

The Overlooked Challenges of Aging

Aging is an inevitable journey that everyone embarks on, yet the path is often strewn with challenges that are either overlooked or underestimated. As we age, our needs, abilities, and perspectives shift, bringing to light issues that may not have been apparent in our younger years. This blog post looks at the often-ignored struggles associated with getting older, offering insights for both the young and the old.

1. The Reality of Physical Health Decline:

 As we age, our bodies undergo significant changes. Chronic pain, mobility issues, and a higher risk of diseases like arthritis and heart disease become more prevalent. Young people might not fully grasp the severity of these changes, while older adults might ignore early warning signs. It's crucial to prioritize health checks and adopt a healthier lifestyle to mitigate these risks.
Regular Health Checks

2. Mental Health: 

The Silent Battle: Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety can intensify with age. Factors like the loss of loved ones, reduced social interaction, and feelings of isolation can exacerbate these conditions. Both young and older individuals need to recognize the importance of mental health and seek appropriate support and intervention.
mental health issues

3. Financial Insecurity in Later Years: 

Financial worries are a significant concern for many older adults. The fear of outliving savings, coupled with the rising costs of healthcare and potential long-term care needs, can be daunting. Younger generations might not yet appreciate these concerns, but early and effective retirement planning is key to alleviating financial stress in later years.
financial insecurity

4. Keeping Pace with Technology: 

Senior and Technology
In an era where technology evolves rapidly, older adults often find it challenging to keep up. This digital divide can lead to feelings of alienation and frustration. It's important for younger family members to support and guide their elders through this digital landscape.

5. The Struggle for Independence: 

Losing independence is a profound fear for many as they age. The inability to perform daily activities without assistance can impact one's sense of self-worth. It's essential to foster environments and support systems that promote independence in older adults.
Loss of Independence

6. Cognitive Changes: 

A Subtle Shift: Cognitive decline, including memory loss and difficulty processing information, is a common aspect of aging. Recognizing and addressing these changes early can help in managing their impact on daily life.

7. Combating Social Isolation: 

Older adults often face social isolation due to various life changes. It's vital to engage in community activities, foster new relationships, and maintain existing connections to combat loneliness. We addressed this issue in this post, "Loneliness in the Elderly: The Silent Struggle".
Social Isolation

8. Facing Ageism and Discrimination: 

Ageism is a real and harmful form of discrimination that older adults encounter. Raising awareness and advocating for the rights and dignity of the elderly is crucial in combating this issue.
combating ageism
Here is an article about Ageism in America, "Ageism is one of the last socially acceptable prejudices."

9. Preparing for the End-of-Life: 

Discussions about end-of-life care and estate planning are often avoided but are essential for peace of mind. It's important to have these conversations early and ensure that final wishes are respected.

10. Adapting to Changing Family Dynamics: 

Aging can alter family relationships, especially as caregiving roles reverse or become necessary. Open communication and understanding are key to navigating these changes.
Grandparents raising grandkids

Aging is a complex process that brings unique challenges. By acknowledging and preparing for these issues, we can ensure that our later years are as fulfilling and dignified as possible. Let's embrace aging with awareness and empathy, making it a journey of growth and wisdom.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Ageism: How it affects us, but especially in the healthcare system

 I had not given this issue much thought until about a year ago.  My doctor refused to hear what I was saying and patted me on my knee.  He then told me that he knew what was needed and for me not to worry, just do what he says."  I was flabbergasted to say the least.  Never in my life up to that point had anyone spoken to me in such a manner.  As a retired RN, I am not afraid to speak up with doctors; but this incident left me speechless.

He proceeded to give me samples of medicine that I had already told him did not work for me.  He refused to listen and dismissed my concerns.  He patronized me and made me very angry.  

After this, I became very aware of how I was being talked to or treated by anyone who was providing me a service.  I educated myself on ways to combat this type of discrimination and I suggest you do the same.  It is harmful to be so disrespected and dismissed.

Ageism is a type of discrimination that occurs when someone is treated differently based solely on their age. This discrimination can take many forms, from assumptions about an older person's abilities to outright refusal to provide care or services. Ageism is harmful and can have negative impacts on the physical and mental health of older individuals, especially in the healthcare setting.  

Examples of Ageism

Ageism can take many forms, some of which may not be immediately apparent. Here are some examples of ageism that older individuals may face:

  1. Assuming that someone is incapable or has cognitive decline based solely on their age

  2. Making negative comments or jokes about older individuals or aging in general

  3. Refusing to hire or promote someone based solely on their age

  4. Offering medical treatment or care based solely on an individual's age rather than their medical needs

  5. Assuming that older individuals are not interested in technology or new experiences

  6. Assuming that older individuals are not sexually active or interested in intimacy

How Ageism Affects Older Patients in Healthcare

This discrimination can have severely negative impacts on older patients in the healthcare setting. Here are some examples of how this works:

  • Ageism can lead to a lack of quality care, as healthcare providers may make assumptions about an older patient's health status or medical needs based solely on their age.

  • Older patients may be less likely to seek care if they feel that their healthcare provider is dismissive or uninterested in their concerns.

  • Ageism can lead to a lack of access to medical treatments and procedures that could benefit older patients, as healthcare providers may make assumptions about an older patient's ability to recover or tolerate certain treatments based solely on their age.

  • Ageism can lead to a lack of trust in the healthcare system, as older patients may feel that their healthcare providers do not value or respect them.

How to Combat Ageism

Combatting discrimination such as this is an important step in creating a more equitable and just society for people of all ages. Here are some ways that individuals and organizations can combat ageism:

  • Educate oneself about ageism and its impacts on individuals and society.

  • Speak out against ageist comments or behaviors, and encourage others to do the same.

  • Advocate for policies and practices that support the health and well-being of older individuals.

Promote intergenerational connections and opportunities for older individuals to engage with their communities and share their knowledge and experiences.

  • Be mindful of ageist assumptions and stereotypes, and challenge them when they arise.

Ageism is a harmful form of discrimination that can have severe negative impacts on the health and well-being of older individuals, especially in the healthcare setting. By educating oneself, speaking out against ageism, advocating for policies and practices that support older individuals, promoting intergenerational connections, and being mindful of ageist assumptions and stereotypes, individuals and organizations can combat ageism and create a more just and equitable society for people of all ages.

Here are a few news articles that support these statements.  

Feel free to read them and educate yourself on ways to protect yourself when necessary.

"Care Disparities Across the Health Care Continuum for Older Adults: Lessons From Multidisciplinary Perspectives"

"How Discrimination in Health Care Affects Older Americans, and What Health Systems and Providers Can Do"

"‘They Treat Me Like I’m Old and Stupid’: Seniors Decry Health Providers’ Age Bias"

"Ageism And Discrimination Against The Elderly"

"Discrimination in old age:  multiple, cumulative and on the increase"

"In-depth: Why more older adults say they face age discrimination in the workplace"

Seniors and Our Economy

  You know, sitting here on a bench, watching the world go by, makes me realize just how important seniors are to the economy. I mean, who w...