Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Keeping Our Minds Sharp: A Senior's Guide to Mental Acuity

We've talked about this topic on several other occasions, but I cannot stress the importance of keeping our minds sharp as long as we possibly can.  We think about the health of our bodies because we have to, but our minds are just as much a part of the entire package of self that we need to remember to keep our minds healthy also.  Here are links to previous blogs about this topic if  you missed them: The Importance of Intellectual Curiosity for Seniors or this one, What are the Ways to Remain Healthy and Active in Retirement or even this one, Memory and Aging: Understanding the Why's and What You Can Do About It. All of these talk about ways to keep your mind and body sharp as you age.

I've always believed that our brain, much like a fine wine, can get better with age, provided we give it the right care. So, let's chat about some fun and engaging mental activities that can help us maintain our mental acuity. Trust me, it's not all crossword puzzles and Sudoku – although those are great starts!

Brain-Teasing Puzzles:

Let's start with the classics. Crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and word searches aren't just fun ways to pass the time; they're brain boosters. They help enhance our problem-solving skills and keep our language and mathematical skills sharp. I love starting my day with a cup of coffee and a crossword puzzle. It's like a morning jog for my brain!

Learning a New Hobby:
Learn a new Hobby

Ever wanted to learn to play the piano? Or perhaps painting has always caught your fancy? Now's the perfect time! Learning a new skill is not just fulfilling; it's a fantastic way to keep our brains engaged and learning. It stimulates neural pathways and can even improve our memory. Plus, it's a great conversation starter with the grandkids.

Book Clubs and Reading Groups:

Ah, the joy of a good book! But why read alone? Joining a book club or a reading group can be a delightful way to share insights and engage in stimulating discussions. It's a great way to keep our critical thinking and comprehension skills sharp. And let's not forget the social aspect – it's always fun to make new friends.

Memory Games:

Remember the game 'Memory' we used to play with our kids? Turns out, it's not just for children. Playing memory-based games can significantly enhance our short-term memory and concentration skills. There are plenty of apps and online games designed for this, but even a simple deck of cards can do the trick.

Stay Socially Active:
Social Activity

Engaging in social activities isn't just good for our mood; it's great for our brain too. Regular conversations, be it with friends, family, or even a friendly neighbor, can improve our cognitive abilities and keep our minds sharp. So, let's not shy away from a little chit-chat – it's for our brain's good!

Physical Exercise:
Physical Exercise

Yes, physical health impacts mental health. Activities like walking, yoga, or tai chi not only keep our bodies fit but also increase blood flow to the brain, which is essential for maintaining cognitive functions. Plus, it's a great way to enjoy the outdoors and meet new people.

Meditation and Mindfulness:

In our bustling lives, our minds can get cluttered. Meditation and mindfulness practices are excellent for clearing the mind, reducing stress, and improving focus and attention. Even a few minutes a day can make a significant difference.

Remember, it's never too late to start taking care of our mental acuity. These activities are not just tasks on a to-do list; they're stepping stones to a more fulfilling, sharper, and happier life in our senior years. So, let's embrace them with open arms and a curious mind. After all, age is just a number, but our mental fitness is a journey worth enjoying every step of the way!

Stay sharp and keep smiling! I hope these ideas have sparked your brain to try out new things to keep mentally sharp.

Here are some other articles about this topic you might enjoy:

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Seniors and Yoga: A Guide to the Practice and Benefits

Yoga, an ancient practice that originated in India, has been embraced by millions worldwide for its numerous health and wellness benefits. While yoga is beneficial for people of all ages, it holds particular significance for seniors. As we age, maintaining flexibility, balance, and mental well-being becomes even more crucial. Yoga offers a holistic approach to achieving these goals. In this blog post, we'll look into the myriad benefits of yoga for seniors and how it can be adapted to suit their specific needs.

Understanding Yoga

understanding yoga

Before we get into the specifics for seniors, it's essential to understand what yoga is and its core principles. Yoga is not just a series of postures or asanas; it's a philosophy that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual practices. The primary objectives of yoga are:

1. Physical Well-being: Through various postures and breathing exercises, yoga helps in enhancing flexibility, strength, and balance.

2. Mental Well-being: Meditation and mindfulness practices in yoga aid in reducing stress, anxiety, and promoting mental clarity.

3. Spiritual Growth: While not everyone delves into the spiritual aspect of yoga, it can provide a deeper sense of purpose and connection to the universe.

Yoga for Seniors: Adapting the Practice

Yoga for Seniors: Adapting the Practice

Seniors might face challenges like reduced flexibility, joint pain, or balance issues. However, yoga can be easily adapted to cater to these challenges:

1. Gentler Asanas: Instead of complex poses, seniors can opt for simpler and gentler asanas that don't strain the body.

2. Use of Props: Props like chairs, bolsters, and straps can be used to make poses more accessible and comfortable.

3. Focus on Breathing: Pranayama or breathing exercises can be particularly beneficial for seniors, helping in lung capacity and relaxation.

4. Shorter Sessions: Instead of hour-long sessions, seniors can start with shorter durations and gradually increase as they become more comfortable.

5. Guided Meditation: Meditation can be immensely beneficial for seniors, helping them cope with feelings of loneliness or anxiety.

Benefits of Yoga for Seniors

Benefits of Yoga for Seniors

1. Enhanced Flexibility: Regular practice can help in improving flexibility, reducing the stiffness that often comes with age.

2. Improved Balance and Stability: Yoga strengthens the core and improves balance, reducing the risk of falls.

3. Joint Health: Gentle yoga movements can enhance joint health, reducing symptoms of arthritis or joint pain.

4. Mental Clarity: Meditation and mindfulness can help in improving memory and cognitive functions.

5. Stress Reduction: The calming effects of yoga can help in reducing stress and promoting a sense of well-being.

Equipment for Yoga

If you're a senior looking to start your yoga journey, here are some essential pieces of equipment:

1. Yoga Mat: Provides cushioning and grip.

Yoga Mat

2. Yoga Blocks: Helps in achieving better alignment in certain poses.

3. Yoga Straps: Assists in stretching and reaching in various asanas.

Eye Pillows
4. Bolsters: Provides support in restorative poses.

5. Yoga Chair: Especially useful for seniors, it aids in seated postures and balance.

6. Blankets: Offers additional cushioning and warmth during relaxation.

7.Eye Pillows: Enhances relaxation during meditation.

Yoga for seniors is not just a fitness regimen; it's a journey towards a healthier and more fulfilled life. With its adaptability and holistic approach, it can be a game-changer for seniors looking to enhance their quality of life.

Here are links to the above in Amazon if you choose to try this: (they are affiliate links, but you pay nothing extra, I simply get a few cents for each purchase)

Yoga Mat

Yoga Blocks

Yoga Straps


Eye Pillows

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Right Routines and Habits to help you make Retirement better


The most successful people have specific routines and habits they follow daily. Do you?

 Many of them have a morning routine to start each day. It lets them think about their goals, what they want to accomplish, and focus on the things that are most important.

 Retirement can be tough. Learning and implementing the habits and routines the top leaders do differently can mean the difference in your own life and retirement.

 What are a routines and habits?

Routines are activities or procedures that are performed at regular intervals or specific times. A habit is a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition. So, by having a routine filled with good habits, you can boost your quality of life and possibly boost your income, too.

You may have already implemented the habit of some type of time management process into your day to keep from wasting time. That’s great. But what other ways can habits help you be successful?

 Habits help you be successful by forcing you to follow routines. They set you up to follow through on your goals. They give you the discipline to take action and complete tasks and to focus. They create a pattern of consistency.

But how do you get these good habits? And how do we know which habits matter the most? That’s where this guide is going to help. In it, you’ll see what good habits you should be cultivating and using in your daily life to boost your satisfaction and possibly your bottom line. It will show you how to create consistency and other habits that lead to little wins and how habits contribute to the big picture.

Advantages of Good Habits

Everything we do or accomplish in life is the results of our habits. What shape you are in is the results of your habits. How happy or unhappy you are the result of your habits. Whether you lead a successful life or not is a result of your habits.

What you do repeatedly affects your beliefs and your personality. If you want to be successful, healthier, slimmer, happier, etc., having good habits is at the core.

You can set goals to reach, but if you don’t have the right habits or set up the right routines, it’s unlikely you’ll reach those goals.


  • Good habits allow you to reach your goal. If for example, your goal is to lose 20 pounds, and you develop the habit of exercising 30 minutes a day, it’s likely you’ll not only reach your goal but exceed it because you’ve developed a habit you will continue doing.


  • A good habit is developed for life. Once you start a habit and consciously do it daily, it becomes ingrained in you for life.


  • It’s easier to form a habit than it is to accomplish a goal. Habits are repetitive behaviors we do daily while a goal is something that we have to work toward.


  • Forming good small habits is recommended before trying to create complex habits.


Good Habits For The Big Picture

Motivation is good to have when it comes to success. But it’s not what will make you successful. Having good habits will. When your days are filled with habits that help you on your journey towards the big picture goal, you’ll eventually find success. When it comes to boosting sales and succeeding at marketing, you want to develop good habits for the long run.

 Here are 35 good habits successful people use:


  1. Wake up at the same time every day, preferably before 6 am every day. Create a sleep routine to help you have more energy to be able to work more during the day.


  1. Keep your to-do list small and scaled down. Do the most important tasks first.


  1. Finish your to-do list daily. Do what you set out to do in the beginning of the day.


  1. Read inspiring books like autobiographies for 30 minutes before you begin your day.


  1. Make it a habit to define your life by the happiness it brings you.


  1. Use time management tools to know how much time you are spending on tasks.


  1. Use a journal for planning, scheduling, and important things. Use a separate journal to write down your big ideas, thoughts, goals and what you want your life to be. Retirement does not mean the end of your life or goals.  Continue to think big and plan to do things.


  1. Use your time efficiently. Set up time blocks of no more than 2-hour sessions and focus on each task solely for that period.


  1. Plan for and take breaks throughout the day. Walk around your home, jog in place, or do some form of exercise to keep your mind working effectively.


  1. Spend an hour in the evenings reading about to increase you education and strengthen your mind.


  1. Keep your body physically fit. Work out with a daily regime for a strong body. Challenging your body and clearing your mind prepares you for the challenges of business.


  1. Create a morning routine.


    1. Before you go to sleep the night before, lay out your clothes, prepare your meals, and make sure you know where all of your personal items are to make it easier to find them.


    1. Don’t hit the snooze button. Wake up and get up with the first alarm. This mindset trick makes your brain feel like you’re ahead of the game. A brighter mindset leads to confidence and success.


    1. Exercise and meditate in the morning.


    1. Sit down and enjoy a healthy breakfast. You need something more than a cup of coffee. Two eggs, a banana, and a slice of toast if you are in a hurry.


    1. Take 5 minutes to plan your day. Note what the most important things you need to do that day are. 


  1. Set aside time to prepare before any activity that may require your input in a way that makes you uncomfortable. Most of us hesitate to speak publicly due to "stage fright" so that would be an example you would need to prepare for.


  1. Get enough sleep so you are well rested and alert. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (source: the optimal amount is between 7 and 9 hours each night. Anything less can cause irritability, decreased motivation, anxiety, reduced energy, fatigue, poor decision making, forgetfulness, and increase in errors.


  1. Be positive and surround yourself with positive people. Unhappy people hold you back with their negativity and envy. Happy people don’t tear you down.


  1. Listen, listen, and listen some more. Listen to what your peers and family say. Listening helps people feel like you care and build relationships. It also lets you know what is and isn’t working with relationships.
  1. Get and stay organized. Make lists, set daily goals. Keep your office organized and your computer desktop organized. Get rid of clutter that distracts you from your tasks.

 18. Keep some balance in all areas of your life. Make time for relaxation,           spending time with family and friends, exercise, your emotional and             spiritual needs and work.


  1. Be grateful. Write down what you are grateful for each day.


  1. Connect with your friends first thing every day. Use any method that is comfortable for you to reach out and connect with them.  Use the phone, mail a card, use social media; the method doesn't matter, just that you stay in contact.


  1. Plan your week on Sunday. Spend a few minutes planning what you need and want to accomplish during the week. Make sure the tasks align with your goals, as well.


  1. Revisit your annual and monthly goals often to make sure you are on track to where you want to be.


  1. Meditate. Begin each day with some form of meditation. Focus on your breathing for 10 to 15 minutes to clear your mind so you can begin your day on a positive note. Yoga, Tai Chi and other forms of slow movement are also good for mindful thinking.


  1. Listen to podcasts to improve your knowledge and build brain strength. These enable you to learn while you do a routine such as exercising or cleaning the house. Choose uplifting or encouraging podcasts. They can be found on a variety of topics from personal help to business strategies.


  1. Do your most difficult task first, when your mind is clear and your ability to focus is at its strongest point. This strategy maximizes your efficiency and provides a feeling of success for the rest of the day.


  1.  Drink lots of water. Water hydrates us, gets our muscles and body working. Lethargy and low energy are signs you are dehydrated.


  1. Optimize your processes by setting up patterns that help you accomplish everything daily.  Some call this "Habit Stacking", where you associate several habits together into blocks and you always do those same things together.


  1. Say “no” to tasks or obligations that aren’t in line with your goals. Don’t agree to take on things you don’t want to do.


  1. Use any hacks you know to make getting things done easier.


  1. Find tools to use to help you reach your goals and make your day successful.
  1. Be prepared to fail. No matter how successful you are, you will fail at some point. Being prepared will help you to learn from it.


  1. Measure and track everything you do. This enables you to get a factual and mental picture of your progress. In addition, you can see where you need to make adjustments.


  1. Set up a budget and spend wisely. But, don’t be afraid to make purchases on things that will help you grow or make your life better.  You should be able to enjoy this life you have right now, but don't go overboard.


  1. Spend time networking and building your relationships with others. You can do this on social media, through email or at local gatherings.

 35.  Make a habit of asking questions to identify what your friends and                family actually wants and needs from you.

 When working toward the big picture it’s important to create and perform good habits that build a strong, healthy foundation for an enjoyable retirement.

Seniors and Our Economy

  You know, sitting here on a bench, watching the world go by, makes me realize just how important seniors are to the economy. I mean, who w...