Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Let’s Hit the Road and Enjoy this part of Life

Today, I’ve got something really exciting on my mind that I’ve been itching to talk to you about – travel! You know, exploring new places isn’t just a young person’s game; we’ve got a world of adventure waiting for us too. And the best part? Travel can lift our spirits, keep us moving, and add a generous dash of fun to our lives. And we have explored many places to visit here on this blog.  We looked at a lot of places to consider moving to, but maybe instead of moving we just want to visit. 

Here are some of the posts where we talked about overseas places that you might like to consider a visit to see: Are You Thinking about Retiring Overseas?, or this one: The Ultimate Guide for Places to Retire in the USA,  or even this one: Best Places to Retire in EuropeThese should be a good starting point in your research for where to go.
senior travel

You know, there are so many ways we can travel easily and comfortably. Have you ever thought about joining a travel group just for seniors? It’s like going on a grand adventure with a bunch of new friends. They take care of all the nitty-gritty details, so you can just relax and enjoy the ride. And then there are cruises – oh, they are just wonderful! You get to visit different places, enjoy a variety of activities, and there’s always something to do on board. Plus, they really know how to take good care of us seniors.
senior tours

Now, if you’re up for a scenic journey, train travel is the way to go. Amtrak even offers us a nice little discount. It’s comfortable, spacious, and you can just sit back and watch the world go by. And of course, for those who prefer staying a bit closer to home, road trips are a fantastic option. You can take your time, enjoy the scenery, and make as many stops as you like.
Riding the Amtrak

Travel is all about having fun and creating memories, isn’t it? I love using my trips as a chance to learn something new. Museums, historical sites, local cooking classes – there’s so much out there to explore and enjoy. And the people you meet along the way, they just add so much to the experience. Don’t be shy; strike up a conversation, attend local events, and really immerse yourself in the local culture.
art museums

And hey, let’s not forget about our smartphones. They can be our best travel buddies, helping us find our way, translate languages, and discover the best local spots to eat. And of course, make sure to take lots of photos! They’re the perfect way to keep those wonderful memories alive.
senior taking photos with phone

You know, travel isn’t just fun; it’s good for us too. It’s a fantastic mood booster, a great way to stay active, and it keeps us connected with others. There’s something truly special about breaking from the routine, exploring new places, and sharing stories and laughter with friends, old and new. It’s like a breath of fresh air for our souls.
happy seniors

So, my friend, what do you say? Are you ready to embark on a new adventure and add a splash of excitement to your life? Traveling at our age is all about enjoying the journey, taking in the sights, and making the most of every moment. Here’s to embracing the adventure and making memories that last a lifetime. Cheers to our next grand escapade!

Sunday, February 19, 2023

What are the Ways to Remain Healthy and Active in Retirement

 Aging is a natural process for us all and it does not need to be a painful and restrictive time in our lives.  There are many things that we can do to improve the quality of our lives as we age and we are going to explore some of them below. Here are some tips to help you maintain your well-being.

Staying Active Physically

  1. Exercise regularly: Engage in physical activity that you enjoy, such as walking, cycling, swimming, or playing sports. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity most days of the week.

  2. Join a fitness class: Consider joining a fitness class, such as yoga or tai chi, which can provide physical and mental benefits and help you meet new people.

  3. Take up a new sport: Try a new sport or activity, like golf or pickleball, which can help keep you active and engaged.

  4. Stay active around the house: Doing household chores, such as gardening or cleaning, can also be a good way to get some physical activity and stay active.

Maintaining a Healthy Diet

  1. Eat a balanced diet: Make sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins in your diet. Avoid processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats.

  2. Drink plenty of water: Drinking enough water is essential for good health and can help you feel fuller and more energized.

  3. Limit alcohol and caffeine: Both alcohol and caffeine can interfere with sleep and increase the risk of certain health problems.

  4. Try new foods and recipes: Experimenting with new recipes and ingredients can be a fun way to keep your diet interesting and help you maintain a healthy weight.

Staying Mentally Active

  1. Stay engaged with others: Spending time with friends and family, volunteering, or joining a club or organization can help you stay connected and mentally active.

  2. Keep learning: Pursue new interests and hobbies, take a class, or learn a new skill. Keeping your mind active can help reduce stress and prevent cognitive decline.

  3. Travel: Traveling to new places and experiencing new cultures can be a great way to broaden your horizons and stimulate your mind.

Let's look at the Physical part:

Exercise Regularly:  we all know that this is an important activity but for one reason or another, we usually choose to forego doing it.  There are many ways to accomplish this goal now, especially with internet service now.  

If you practice only 15 minutes a day of good, heart-healthy exercise, you can meet this goal.  

Try looking online for a short 15 minute exercise program that you can do each day to stay healthy.  I use several YouTube videos online to do this, and there are many available to watch there.  One of my favorites is from Silver Sneakers (you don't have to be a member to watch) and the link to watch is here. Another one I would recommend is here

Join a fitness class:  My best suggestion would be to join a Silver Sneakers class at your YMCA.  Check with your Medicare provider because most of them will cover the cost of joining this program. I used to attend a class 3 time a week before the shut down and it was both good for my body and a lovely social activity.

But my all time favorite way to exercise both body and mind is Tai Chi and you can learn it easily online.  Tai Chi will work your body while calming your mind.  I recommend it highly.

Take up a new sport: Growing older doesn't mean you stop living.  I know several of my friends who have learned to play Pickleball in their 60's and 70's.  If they can do it, so can you!

Stay active around the house: This one is easy and makes you very productive.  I spend quite a lot of time on my computer everyday, but I take frequent breaks to do small household tasks like let the dogs in and out, change their water bottles, make the bed, unload the dishwasher, fold a load of clothes, etc.  So, about every hour, I take a 15 min break and do my housework chore, then return to the computer.  It works and I get so much done in a day.  You should try it.

Now let's look at the Mental part:

Stay engaged with others: There is not a better reason to maintain and keep relationships in aging than to help you stay positive and happy.

We are social creatures by nature and to allow ourselves to become cut off from our social circles causes depression and an eventual shut down of your mental well-beling.  So make those calls, spend time with family and friends, write cards and letters (yes although stamps are really expensive).  Send texts and emails or instant message your grandkids to tell them you love them periodically.  All of this will keep you connected.

Keep learning: If you have internet, there is no reason to stop learning.  You can take online classes, watch YouTube videos that teach you new skills, go to your local community college and take a class (that one fits both categories here).  Never stop learning.  Your brain will atrophy if you don't use it, so keep working it to maintain your mental clarity and sharpness.

Travel: Travel doesn't have to mean going far away.  A day trip to see a national park, a trip to see relatives, a drive around a body of water near you, etc. All these count as travel.  Get out of your house and see the world around you to remind yourself that you are still a part of it.

I did not discuss the part about eating a healthy diet because we are inundated daily with information about what we should and should not eat.  Just make healthy choices for yourself and you will do well.  Reduce fast food, eat vegetables, keep fat consumption down,  try new things, etc.  We all know this drill but for some reason, like exercise, we don't do it.  Well, to age well and be happy and healthy, it is time to address this elephant in your room and start eating healthy.  If losing weight is your goal, there is a blog that talks in depth about starting the Keto Diet you may enjoy.  Click over there and see if any of that interests you.

So don't just take my word on any of this.  Here are some articles I found that talk about these things as well:

Staying Fit After 50

 You know, a lot of folks get exercise all wrong as they age. It's like they just stop altogether, thinking it's the right thing to ...