Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Sunday, November 19, 2023

What Do You Want The Rest of Your Life to Be?

This is a repost of a blog post from Ramblings of a Crazy Diva. I think it is appropriate to post it here also. I am sharing a lot of personal information, which is always dicey, but my journey has been full of ups and downs and I think this audience will feel connection to it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this post.  Please come here often for interesting posts about getting older.

Recently, I have been thinking more and more about growing older and what exactly that means to me and what I expect for myself.  There was a time when I was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 62, when I feared I might die.  I was not ready to throw in the towel at 62.  I had always said I intended to live to 100 because I want to see how the world turns out.  

So, I did what I knew I had to do and I fought cancer.  I had chemotherapy, which was arduous and unpleasant.  I had 33 radiation treatments during which I had to lay on a table with my breasts exposed while strange people walked around behind me. I learned to divorce myself from my body to prevent embarrassment from being so exposed.  I did everything in my power to be healthy again.  I ate right, I got plenty of sleep, I spent time with my family.  Eventually, it all paid off and I beat cancer.

Once you have had cancer, there is a place in your mind that always says, "just wait for the next shoe to drop", so there is a constant tension.  I decided that instead of waiting I would become VERY proactive.  I went on a Keto diet which has had success with keeping cancer at bay.  I began an exercise program and exercised for 1 hour 5 days a week.  I joined a group of people who became my friends and I enjoyed my social activities with them.  I decided I wasn't dead yet, so I would choose to live.

Now here I am, age 72.  I still intend to live to 100.  I still do everything I can to stay healthy.  But, somewhere in my head there has been a shift, or a change of attitude about what it means to me to grow older.

I watch my sister, who is only 3 years older than I am, grow weak and feeble. She has serious memory issues and is frequently incapacitated by illness and requires hospitalization.  This has become her norm.  Is this what I want for myself?  Am I a bad sister for not wanting to be like her?  

We have always been diametrically opposed in our thoughts and actions.  She has been uncaring about her health and just living her life the way it came.  I have always been interested in ways to improve health.  I love exercise and when I found Keto, I began to feel better with that diet.  We have never seen eye to eye on much.  It seems, looking back, that I was more the big sister to her because I spent years taking care of her and her children.

But now I am thinking about how I want to spend the rest of my life.  Do I want to be healthy? Uh, yes! Do I want to be able to be independent? Uh, yes again!! So what do I need to be doing now to accomplish this?

Ageing today is not the same as it was for my mother and father or my grandparents.  There is much scientific investigation into the physical aspects of ageing that show promise in possible slowing down the process or even halting is entirely.  There is much scientific investigation into the psychological aspects of ageing that show promise in alleviating some of the negative effects ageing has on your self-worth.

Our society adores youth.  It has always been a youth oriented society.  Is this a good thing?  I don't know.  I don't see it changing anytime soon, so we must learn as older adults to make our way in a society that demeans and devalues us.  Sad, but true.

Here are a few articles you might enjoy:

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Finding Purpose and Happiness in Retirement

Retired couple

Retirement can be an exciting new chapter, but it can also be a challenging transition. Without the structure of a job and career to define your days, it's normal to struggle with questions like "What is my purpose now?" Here are some tips to help you redefine yourself in retirement in a way that brings happiness and meaning.

Stay Active and Engaged 

senior volunteers
Idle time can lead to feelings of boredom and purposelessness. combat this by staying active and engaged. Take up hobbies and activities you've always wanted to explore - gardening, golf, painting, volunteering at a local non-profit. Join clubs or community groups to connect with others who share your interests. Staying active, both mentally and physically, will provide structure and give you a sense of accomplishment.

Set New Goals

Learn new skills
When you retire, you end one major chapter of goals and achievement. But it doesn't mean you stop setting goals altogether. Think about what unfulfilled goals you have for yourself and set a plan to work towards them. Learn a new language, write a memoir, get in shape - having defined goals will give you a sense of direction and purpose. 

Give Back to Others

tutoring others
Using your time and experience to help others is tremendously rewarding. Volunteer with organizations that resonate with you, like libraries, schools or environmental groups. Tutor children or teach adult education classes. Mentor young professionals starting out in your former field. Giving back fills your days with meaning and allows you to make a difference.

Redefine Your Identity

For many, our career becomes a major part of our identity. In retirement, focus less on what you did, and more on who you are. Pursue activities that allow you to express your authentic self, instead of how the work world defined you. Spend time reflecting on your values, passions and interests outside of work. Then orient your days around the pursuits that make you feel the most alive and fulfilled.

Retirement is an opportunity to reinvent yourself and pursue the life you want. By keeping active, setting new goals, helping others and focusing on self-discovery, you can craft a retirement filled with purpose, meaning and joy.

Staying Fit After 50

 You know, a lot of folks get exercise all wrong as they age. It's like they just stop altogether, thinking it's the right thing to ...